190202 [Fancafe] 수빈이의 첫 일기 (By Soobin)

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#1 by txtonnews



our official community has finally opened yesterday. there are two places where I talk to our fans and our debut is finally getting closer and closer. I believe that all the five members of our team are working hard so that we show off a great stage to meet the expectations of our fans. i want to meet and greet our fans as soon as possible huhu

#2 By txtranslations



✎ “Soobin’s First Diary”

“Our Official Community Site had finally opened yesterday. There are now 2 ways for me to meet with my fans. And the debut is getting closer & closer. I’m getting fluttery, happier & fascinated. I believe that our 5 members are working extremely hard practicing to show the fans who are expecting a cool stage. Even one day sooner, I want to express my sincerity to greet the fans. I miss you!! ㅜㅜㅜ

#3 by txtuniverse_fc

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